Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 31 in the Gym

Quote for the Day:
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble

I have had ANOTHER set back. As I have mentioned in previous posts my knees have been really bothering me. My right knee in particular. In fact I was in so much pain over the weekend, the perscription ibuprofen wasn't working so I decided to go to the ER on Sunday morning. They took X-rays and determined I had torn ligaments. I was sent home with pain meds, told to ice it and given a knee brace. I was pretty much in pain all day. The first thing my husband and oldest son say is: "how are you going to exercise?" "what about your training?" I called Andy and gave him the heads up. This morning I went to the gym and while the other chicks worked legs i rode the bike and then i joined them for lower back, abs and triceps.

I weighed myself when i got to Training Effects and it looks like I am down another pound from Friday. I think the low carb diet is working for me.

Over the weekend, I got my hair colored - went more blonde and today I fit into a dress shirt I haven't fit into for a very very long time. I am getting pumped up. I just wish my knee was okay.

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