Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 12 in the Gym

Here are some photos of that show all of our muscles - thought I would post this so I could study it and learn what and where everything is. I feel like I am in Health class (ha ha ha)

October 15, 2008

Todays workout was back. Great workout. Everyone was good until we had to get weighed at the end of the session. I was really nervous and I was very disappointed when I stepped on the scale and had only lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks. I actually cried in the car. My husband told me don't worry about the numbers just focus on how your body is changing and he said he has noticed i look different. I just want so hard for all this hard work and eating right to pay off. I finally cried and got it out of my system. Now I am feeling better. I am going to have to step it up outside of the gym with cardio I think. I am giving Andy my food log tomorrow, maybe he will find something I am doing wrong with my diet. I just hate getting on the scales.

Okay enough whining focus focus focus!

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