Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 42, 43, 44 & 45

Thanksgiving was very nice this year. We had dinner at my mother-in-laws and she cooked a great meal. I felt like I did really good with porportions and for desert I bought a sugar free cheesecake which was low in carbs and sugar - yum!

We had a crazy four days. Our hockey team was in a tournament in Foxboro so we left early Friday morning and came home late Saturday for another hockey game and back Sunday for the championship game which we won in overtime! yay! I was so proud of my Brandon for making a beautiful pass to win the game. He played really good all weekend. I sure wish I had his energy.

I didn't do any cardio but i did try to watch what I ate - there were a few beers drunk though- need to get my big butt back on track this week.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 41 in the Gym

May your stuffing be tastyMay your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Turkey day!

Okay so Andy was right it was a tough workout. I actually did two knee exercises and my knee feels okay. I am excited to feel good again. Towards the end of the workout i felt like i was going to be sick. That is supposedly a good thing. Okay, let's see people pay trainers lots of $ to work them until they throw up - hmmmmm okay good thing I guess.

I am going to try to be good tomorrow. I am hoping today's workout will hurt so much that it will hurt to pick up the fork to my mouth (hee)

Signing off from one turkey to another......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 40

No gym today - yay! I am so busy at work I cannot wait until Wednesday at 5PM. Of course my weekend isn't going to be much of a rest. Brandon is in a hockey tournament Friday-Sunday and we have two hockey games on Friday, 2 on Saturday and I think 2 on Sunday - yikes!

Andy said our workout tomorrow is going to be a killer - oh i can't wait - NOT

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 39 in the Gym

Can you say Happy!!! Woo Hoo I lost 4.4 pounds this week! FINALLY the scale is showing the hard work i have been putting in. My clothes are fitting better each week. I am so excited! I am down 13.8 pounds now - yay!

Today's workout was legs and arms - can you say 50! Yep that was Andy's magic number today - 50!!!!!! I didn't do the legs and by watching what he had the other girls do i don't think i could have. The arms were brutal. I am sure i will be a little sore tomorrow.

I will leave you with this:

The Key to Happiness

The key to happinessThe secret to happiness is not to get what you want, but to want what you already have. If you think about it, most discontent grows from want. We want more stuff, more excitement, more pleasure. When we don't get those things, we're resentful and unsatisfied. Take away the want, and you take away=2 0the unhappiness. When your quality of life is tied to your desires, fulfillment is a shadow that escapes your view. Like trying to imagine a new color, the harder you look, the harder it is to see. Does this mean you stop setting goals and striving for a healthy lifestyle and better life? No. It means you can appreciate life regardless of the outcome. It means you can relish the pursuit while accepting the possibility of failure. It means you can still enjoy the ride. Happiness is not a destination--it's a way of life.

Have a good day ;-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 37 & 38

ahhhhh the weekend! Gotta love it! I met my friend Peggy for dinner at the Outback and had the Tilipia fish - it was really good. I also indulged in two Australian beers - yum!

Saturday was hockey for both boys. We won both games. Scotty is now playing for the Monarchs and is very happy. I love seeing him happy. I think this is the team for him. Sunday was "get organized" day. I cleaned out the bathroom closet and a few kitchen cabinets. I made the family chicken cutlets over pasta. I didn't have any. I had a chicken sandwich earlier at subway instead and I found some sugar free, carb free jello and lite fat free whipped cream - yum! I ate that while watching 24.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 36 in the Gym...

Today was legs and shoulders - killer! Since my knee is still bothering me i rode the bike while the other chicks did legs. Today was a good workout, felt good after. It is still freezing cold outside!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 35

Isn't he cute! Just a photo to make you smile.

Yet another FREEZING Day. Nothing much to write about today, I have been reading some success stories on weight loss on the Internet - definitely motivating. Well tonight need to get to bed at 8AM because 4AM rolls around too quickly. Oh yeah I have to stop by the market tonight after work to pick up a cake for the office for birthday month so tomorrow will be tempting but i will get through it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 34 in the Gym....

oh it was so cold this morning! I will say that it didn't take long to warm up. We did a circuit of biceps and back. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow. I went to the Dr. today and according to her scale I am down 11.5 pounds since I started at TE. I was surprised since I had already eaten my oatmeal, protein shake and a protein bar before I went. That totally made my day until the Dr. said oh your weight is perfect. I said perfect? No I have quite a bit of weight to lose and then we realized the nurse had written down that I weighed 142 pounds! I said that is my goal weight! ha ha ha

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 33

Today I have a class in Nashua for work. I am here all day. I had an hour for lunch and ate out and had a salad, turkey sandwich and cheese and lettuce, tomoato and onion without the bread. Oh yeah my arms are "wicked" sore today! I feel like i am working out the first week with Andy. I can't believe how sore I am. I like it though :-) Going to bed early tonight as getting up at 4AM isn't getting any easier. Until tomorrow....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 32 in the Gym

Gotta love Mondays! After being out of training two days last week - i really felt it today. We worked biceps, triceps, abs and we just didn't stop - non-stop from one exercise/machine to the next. Later on when i was blow drying my hair at home my arms were shaking - i thought this phase was over - i guess not! It feels good to be working out again. Until Wednesday - CHOW!

They Say its your Birthday - nah nah nah nah

So Sunday, November 16th was the BIG day. I had a b-day and can officially buy alchol now! ha ha ha ha - I wish! I turned 44 i guess I am officially old now! I had a nice b-day - slept in, read a book, watched some TV. My family took me out to The Rain Forest Cafe for lunch/dinner. I did really good with food until the staff came and sang Happy Birthday and presented me with "The Volcono" yep that would be brownies, vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and carmel. YUM!!!! Although I haven't been eating much sugar lately so that kind of didn't agree with my stomach but it sure tasted good! To end the day Brandon had a hockey game :-)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wah Wah Wah

I decided i needed to go to the Dr. because of the pain i was having in my left knee. I got an appt. for Weds. and they gave me some vicadon (sp) and set up an appt. with the Ortho Dr. for Friday. I missed two workouts this week and Imissed 2 days of work. I have been icing my knee and taking it easy.

I went to the Ortho and they said I it a bad sprain - that I tore my ligaments and it can take up to 6 weeks to heal.

On Saturday, I decided to go to my gym and do arms. I worked out for about 40 minutes doing the arm machines and free weights. I am glad I went. I have been watching my diet all this week and I hope I did not gain any weight.

My plan is to be back in the gym at 5AM on Monday morning but will only be doing abs and arms.

I know this will hurt me for the contest but I also feel like Michele that I am a winner. My clothes are fitting much better, I feel better, my hair is finally growing and I am happy I have done this for myself. The scale hasn't been my friend by my clothes are making up for that. I AM NOT giving up even with a bad knee. This injury will not stop me from working out with Andy and the girls.

Tomorrow is my birthday and this may be the first birthday in my life that I won't enjoy a piece of birthday cake - hmmm that is pretty wild and this is the first Halloween EVER that I did not eat ANY candy. I am happy with my willpower right now. I hope I can keep it up.

Until tomorrow - have a good night everyone!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No Gym today

Today was our off day. I am suppose to do cardio today but my knee is killing me. I am wearing a knee brace and in allot of pain. I get grumpy when i have pain because I am not really use to being in pain. I hope this knee of mine heals soon. The above cartoon is how I feel lately with a broken foot and now torn ligaments in my knee on the same leg - what will be next? Okay Martha stop feeling sorry for youself and stop whinning it could be worse.
I can't wait to go home and watch The Biggest Loser tonight.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 31 in the Gym

Quote for the Day:
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble

I have had ANOTHER set back. As I have mentioned in previous posts my knees have been really bothering me. My right knee in particular. In fact I was in so much pain over the weekend, the perscription ibuprofen wasn't working so I decided to go to the ER on Sunday morning. They took X-rays and determined I had torn ligaments. I was sent home with pain meds, told to ice it and given a knee brace. I was pretty much in pain all day. The first thing my husband and oldest son say is: "how are you going to exercise?" "what about your training?" I called Andy and gave him the heads up. This morning I went to the gym and while the other chicks worked legs i rode the bike and then i joined them for lower back, abs and triceps.

I weighed myself when i got to Training Effects and it looks like I am down another pound from Friday. I think the low carb diet is working for me.

Over the weekend, I got my hair colored - went more blonde and today I fit into a dress shirt I haven't fit into for a very very long time. I am getting pumped up. I just wish my knee was okay.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 30 in the Gym....

What a dreary day very gray and rainy. The kind of day that you don't want to get out of bed especially at 4AM. It is also pretty humid out. Today we worked out backs, abs, triceps and calfs. Knee is still really really sore.

I lost 2 pounds this week - yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Down 9 pounds now. I had two people at work ask if I was losing weight today - double yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend filled with hockey games.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 29 in the Gym

It is a rainy dreary day today. No Andy today so i got to sleep until 6:30AM!!! I was so excited! My knees are really bothering me today. I am still eating low carbs and feeling pretty good again. I guess we will see how three days of low carbs is when i step on the scale tomorrow. Did I mention I do not like the scales and for the most part they don't like me. On an upbeat my clothes are fitting different and that makes me happy. I wore a blouse today that was really really tight before and now it fits nicely. I had even intended on returning the blouse originally but never got around to it - glad I didn't because now it fits.

Getting my hair done tomorrow and I am feeling like going more blonde. I am in the mood to change it up some. Well tomorrow is Friday and day 3 of training with Andy. I am going to try no to whine tomorrow when he tells me to do lunges or something else I don't like but I can't promise I won't.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 28 in the Gym....

I think the cartoon says it all, especially for women. I just don't understand the "SCALES" I mean one day you weigh one thing and that night you have gained 3 pounds and the next morning you are down 2 and so on and so on. It just drives me crazy. I feel like my weight is all over the place. This morning I was down 2 pounds from yesterday morning. I guess water plays a big part of the number that shows up.

So yesterday I really watched my carbs and ate lots of veggies and lean meat - feeling pretty good today. My knees are really bothering me and I assume it is from running. I will need to change up the cardio for now. Andy has been doing a type of circuit with us so now we just aren't sore say on arms we are sore on arms, legs etc. Today was pretty tough.

Thank you Andy for all you do! I know you don't hear it enough (due to the whinning or sighing) I do appreciate everything you have done for me.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 27 in the Gym.....

Quote for Day:
"Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality". Ralph Marston
Success is not a race, be patient.
Success leads to success.
Success is always a work in progress.
Success doesn't come to you--you go to it.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
Focus on the process.
Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
If at first you don't succeed-try, try again
I have been reading a really good book and I am going to try to deplete my carbs for 7 days and then work them back into my diet. I started today. I am eating allot of protein and veggies and "good" fats. It is funny as I look at my log from yesterday and what it will be today my fat and carbs are pretty much the same number switched - my calories are going to be around 1500 today.

We worked our arms and some legs today. I feel like I am getting stronger - I can't believe I can do the pushups I am doing. When I started I could barely do 10. Still not "loving" the lunges but getting better at it and I am not whining as much (right Andy?)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 26 in the Gym

Today we have cardio on our own. After work I am heading to the gym to run. I haven't been real hungry today and I am feeling pretty good. Not as tired. My legs have been really achy lately I think from the running. I am pretty sure Andy will be working our legs tomorrow- ouchy!

Weekend - November 1st & 2nd

With the biggest "health" scare in my life happening on Friday the weekend ended up being nice. We had hockey and Scott and I went to a fund raiser for another hockey team with Earl and Deb and watched 4 comedians and had a nice dinner. It was a nice night out. We slept in on Sunday and I LOVED turning the clock back. I went to the gym and ran for 30 minutes and did some situps. Later that day I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book called: Crack The Fat Loss Code - i started reading it and an hour and half later I was still in Barnes and Noble. I ended up buying the book and read some more when i got home. That's about it for the weekend - nothing too exciting - just the way I like it.