Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 17 in the Gym....

So I took Andy's advice and ate oatmeal at 4:15AM before my workout and i did have more energy today- yipeeeee! He worked us hard today - no rest for the weary! we kept going and going and going (I better stop before I get dizzy). I really felt like I accomplished something today.

When I went home my husband told me that when he was playing hockey last night (mens league) one of his coaches for our NE Predators team asked him if I was losing weight - he noticed! yay! that totally made my day! He is the first person who has said something (except for my hubby of course) he dosn't count though. Starting in November we will be going to 3 days training and 3 days cardio on our own. That will be challenging but I think it will be good.

well back to work -sigh....

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