Friday, October 31, 2008

Day 25 in the Gym

Yesterday around 4:30pm my husband called and told me that Salem Radiology called and wanted to talk to me. I had had my mammagram this week so I knew something was wrong. When i called they said they wanted me to come in for more scans and an Ultra Sound. I started crying immediately. The radiologist saw something in both of my breasts. I cried so much and when I left work I knew I needed to go and do cardio so I cried all the way to Londonderry. I showed up with a red and puffy face and I got on the treadmill. My intention was to do 30 minutes of running. When 30 minutes came I said I can do 10 more minutes and I kept saying this until I reached 1 hour of running on the treadmill (20 seconds high speed, 20 seconds rest etc.) I was completely SWEATY. In that hour I forgot about what might be something about to change my life forever.

I didn't sleep well and got up at 4 and got the gym. I had tears in my eyes on the way there but I didn't cry during the workout. We worked arms today and it took my mind off of it.

At work I started crying again and some of my co-workers were really supportive in talking to me. I was so upset I couldn't even go in and tell my boss. I left and went and had the tests done. The mammagram hurt this time and in the ultrasound she found several cysts. Scott showed up and we waited in the waiting room together which seemed forever and all that kept going through my mind was I might not be able to see my boys grow up. The radiologist reviewed the mammagram and the ultrasound and everything for now is fine - whew!!! I started balling when she told me I was okay because I was so scared. I will need to get more frequent mammagrams and ultrasounds to keep an eye on them but I am so thankful that everything turned out. I am completely drained right now and in one hour the little "goblins" will be knocking on my door.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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