Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4

Ahhhhh the weekend! Yay! I slept to 8:00AM - woo hoo! All week I have been getting up at 4:00AM to get to Training Effects. It felt sooooooo good to sleep. We had a really busy day. First off was Brandon's hockey game. He played up a level and did really well. After our hockey game we headed to Laconia for a "football" fun filled weekend. Our new friends from football had a big bash and they have a gorgeous home with an awesome view of the lake. The kids had a blast. There were lots and lots of temptations for me. First off, there was allot of alchol and the food - oh my gosh there was so much food! I did really good and ate chili, some fruit and lots of raw veggies. I skipped over the desserts and the chocolate fondue fountain. It was Christine's b-day and her husband had a cake and firecrackers to end the night.

It is hard being away from home and I didn't prepare well at all. I did bring protein bars but i should have planned more meals.

Everyone on the football team is real supportive and excited for me.

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