Monday, October 27, 2008


October 25 & 26

What a nice weekend. Two hockey games, a movie at The Loop and Spooky World! We saw the movie Express about Ernie Davis the football player - what an inspirational movie.

Sunday, I got my butt to the gym and did 30 minutes (20 seconds running, 20 seconds resting) keeping my heartrate up for 30 minutes. I was completely drenched in sweat. I did some situps after and headed home for a much needed shower. I wanted to go to bed early but a bunch of the hockey parents and kids met us at Spooky World. What a perfect night to walk about and get scared. Everyone got treats and it killed to watch them all eating carmel apples - yum! I did go and ate before I went because i knew I would be tempted and at the movies I had no snacks during the movie. Again I made sure I will full.

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